Gardener vs Architect.

Inspirations are around us.

One of the main principles I follow when it comes to Hiring is inspired by the world of novel writing.

George RR Martin(Game of Thrones) and JK Rowling(Harry Potter Series) are two successful authors of our times.

Author George R. R. Martin claimed there are two types of writers- architects and gardeners. Architects plan everything before they write, like constructing a house from blueprints, while gardeners let the story grow on its own, taking in surprises as they go. He confessed he was a gardener.

On the other hand, JK Rowling is an architect. From the time that the idea first became clear in J.K. Rowling’s mind, she took over five years to plan out the story and the particulars of the world it takes place in.

I have noticed that each one of us have a dominating personality: gardener and architect.

Startups must be clear on who they need for the job – a gardener or an architect. Otherwise, mismatched expectations can lead to struggles. At Bewakoof, we learned this lesson when some of our star performers from big brands didn’t work out. We hadn’t grasped that in some roles one needs gardeners, and in others architects.

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